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January 2015

We spend a lot of time talking about keywords and how important they are, but with a PPC (Pay Per Click) campaign it is equally important to spend time and effort looking at negative keywords. This can help you to target only those people that are really interested in your products and services and help you avoid paying for clicks you don't need to and a low click through rate because your ad's are displaying when they shouldn't be.

We don't often write much about ourselves on this blog, mainly I am a complete geek who spends my life talking about Google or running (my other great passion in life), so as an Essex based business why should you come to us to help you with your SEO? If you have found this article then you may already know what SEO is and you may also have had some experience in the past, many of our customers and indeed ourselves get tonnes of phone calls and emails from so called experts claiming they can get you on page one of Google with as little as £100 per month.

The internet holds such a wide range of opportunities and yet it can be overwhelming for some, too much choice can send our brains racing with information overload. There are so many ways in which online marketing can benefit a business that it really requires one to work they way through the minefield and make the most of what is a available to them.

Over the years there have been many instant messaging and video calling software out there that has the same promise of speaking to our friends or co workers with ease over sound or video calling, or by even using the built in chat client. The only thing about all previous applications that do this, is that they lack the professional aspect of talking to clients or co workers. This was until Google released their Google Hangouts service.

This is the time of year when we are all highly motivated, we've just spent the best part of two weeks partying, eating lots of chocolate and lounging around in our onesies. By the time January comes around most people are ready to attack it with a renewed sense of vigour, new year, new you! It's a time of goal setting and putting plans into action, tackling all those things you said you were going to do "after Christmas". But how many of us can really keep it up? Going to the gym 4 days a week, getting up early to work on our journals, spending an hour a day "on" our businesses.