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TU Marketing


Images on your Website – things to consider

The images you use on your website should be considered carefully, firstly make sure you have permission to use the image in the first place.

If your business does not have its own images then using a resource such as IStock or Fotolia can help you get hold of photos that represent your business in the right way.

You need to ensure that the image fits in with the page itself, make sure it relates to the content on that page and that it accurately represents it, that’s not to say it has to be literal but images can help to draw the reader in and act as an aid in attracting them to reading the content on that page.

Images can also be indexed by search engines and therefore aid your SEO efforts, but search engines cannot read images only words and so you need to give them a helping hand.

  • Make sure your image has a file name that describes the image
  • Use alt text which search engines can read to accurately describe the image
  • Do not keyword stuff your alt text in the same way you shouldn’t with content pages as a whole
  • Make sure the image isn’t too large, if it is the page will take a long time to load and can have a detrimental impact on your SEO efforts.

All in all make sure you have fun with it, your images are seen as a creative representation of your business and the content on your website.