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01279 647003
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TU Marketing

Digital Jungle

It’s a Jungle Out There! Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency

I get your pain, you need help marketing your business online but really have no idea where to turn. How do you know what you need, how much you need to invest and actually you may not know much about digital marketing and what it is all about. It doesn’t help that there are so many companies out there calling and emailing you every day, offering their services, promising the earth for next to nothing. But be warned, if you take nothing else away from this then NO ONE can guarantee natural ranking results on the first page of Google EVER, that’s right, EVER!

It’s like me being able to guarantee that you will generate an increase of 50% in sales if you run a specific advert on TV. No one really knows, it’s all best guess. It may be based on prior success and experience, I could come to you with gallons of examples of where we have helped our clients achieve their goals in the past. But I couldn’t say we could create the same response for you 100% guaranteed, it just doesn’t work like that. Don’t get me wrong, we would try our hardest to, we would use our knowledge and expertise to ensure that we are doing everything we can to get you results.

We really do believe we are different in that we approach our work from a commercial viewpoint. If you are looking for a creative agency to come up with amazing graphics or a pretty logo for you, then that’s not our focus. That’s not to say we can’t design, but it’s not what drives us. We are all about understanding your business, your goals and then transferring that into a digital environment. If the phone is ringing, if you are generating sales through your website and getting lots of enquiries then we are just as happy (well nearly) as you are!

I think part of the reason people sometimes feel uncomfortable about investing is that they don’t really know (or want to know) what it is we physically do and sometimes it can take a long time to get results in an online environment. It can be a risk for some companies and we do understand that, you don’t really know us that well and so part of our philosophy is to try and create a collaborative environment. This way you know what we are doing, you have access to friendly and helpful people that can explain any of the elements that you want more information about. We like to see ourselves as a part of your business working with you to get you those results that you desire.

Anyhow, I could ramble on all day and no matter how many times I say that we really do care about our clients success, you don’t really know me. So why not pick up the phone and call us on 01279 647003 or email [email protected] to find out more about how lovely and friendly we are, but also and maybe more importantly, how we can help you to maximize your business’ true potential.