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March 2015

When someone visits your website you only have a few seconds to grab their attention before they decide to stay or go elsewhere, and the attention span of a mobile user is even less. It really is not long, so having a great landing page is very important. When you start looking at landing pages on the web you realise how many businesses have done this wrong, and even some of the bigger companies that you would expect to get this right haven't. Choosing the right design and making it easy is what customers want.

So we've been saying for some time now (years in fact!) that it's important to ensure that your website is mobile friendly. Well if you didn't listen and are now in a position where your website still isn't, then you need to act quickly. Google have announced that the mobile friendly ranking algorithm will launch on April 21st 2015. They have also confirmed that this will have a bigger impact on search results than either Google Panda or Penguin did. So if your website isn't mobile friendly then ALL of your mobile traffic could be at risk.

Anyone who has attended any kind of business workshop or seminar has no doubt heard how important it is to set goals. But it's very easy to say that you want to increase turnover by 10% in the next year without actually working out how to achieve it.

Every goal needs to be reverse engineered and broken down into lots of mini goals, then each day as you start work you need to ensure that your to-do list is focussed around achieving those mini goals that will ultimately lead you to the big one! Many of us get constantly distracted and a whole day can easily go by where there's no doubt that we have been busy, but we've not actually really achieved anything of great significance, we haven't moved our business forward in the way that we need to. Some of this will be down to fire-fighting, some may even be a little bit of laziness, we might find it hard to delegate tasks and let go, or we might just be lacking focus. There are a whole host of reasons and justifications that we can tell ourselves as to why we haven't done the things that we really should have completed.

Google+ has been slow burn and as yet is a long way off taking over social platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook, however, it's not one to be ignored. There are some SEO benefits in adopting SEO and we will go over this in more detail in another blog post, for this one though we will go over some of the basics and a little bit about how it works.

Negative SEO is basically when various techniques are used to try and damage your online marketing campaign. We've been noticing an increase in this kind of practise, mainly because Google penalises sites for trying to manipulate the search engines. It opens up opportunities to damage your competitors whilst improving your own businesses success online.

Personally it's not something we support and think its a really nasty way of trying to gain success. As a business, if you employ the services of an SEO company, you might want to check that they aren't doing this kind of thing, it can seriously give you a bad name!

Keyword research is so important, I can't stress enough how much. Any kind of campaign online must never be attempted until you have a thorough understand of the things that people are actually physically typing into the search engines. All too often companies assume they know what people are looking for, but in reality it can be completely different. Each key phrase is its own individual market, so in order to understand which ones to target you need to know the volume of searches for each term, how competitive they are and whether you are able to compete against other websites.