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September 2016

When you are a business and you are approaching social media for the first time you may wonder what platforms you should be using for your business.  With so many available it can become confusing and figuring out how to use each one to get the most advantage out of it for your business can be a minefield of information.  Social media is constantly changing with new options available so deciding what will work best for your business may take a bit of research.

The web industry is fast paced and ever changing. What was a great website last year is already out of date. Websites need constant attention, not only the meta data and URL’s but far superior in the list of priority is ‘content’.

Web content may include: text, images, sounds, videos and animations. Web content isn’t just about creating the prettiest page or most interesting website, it’s about creating a ‘valuable’ user experience.

Calls to Actions are a great way to get the most out of your posts through social media.  When your conversion rate is low and you are not sure what you are doing wrong then maybe it is time to look at fixing the problem by adding a Call to Action.

First you need to determine what you want to achieve.  Do you want to motivate, inspire or simply attract more followers or do you hope to gain more sales!  You will need to be able to answer the question that all users want to know if they click on your Call to Action, what is in it for me if I commit now! To motivate the user to act it calls for action words to be used.  But what are these action words?  Below I have listed a few of these: