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01279 647003
[email protected]

TU Marketing


Why Work with TU Marketing?

I don’t often write about how fabulous we are, it feels incredibly self-indulgent for a start. But we do a really good job for our clients. One of the reasons I know this is because they stay with us year after year, as their business changes and develops we are able to change and develop with them.

What makes us different?

We are a small team, but an incredibly knowledgeable one. We have a mix of expertise from design and development through to the more technical aspects, as well as high level business experience. You see I and my partner both come from commercial backgrounds, so we understand that in order for this relationship to thrive, you want to see much more than a pretty website that ‘pops’. At the end of the day you need to gain customers and keep them happy otherwise you might as well give up now and go home. That’s what we focus on, ensuring you and your business actually get results.

We aren’t “cheap”

Whilst we aren’t the most expensive agency out there, we certainly aren’t cheap. Our monthly rates start at £1,000 + VAT to enable us to spend the time and effort on achieving the very best results for you and your business. You see, as a service provider you are essentially paying for time, and the amount of time to truly be competitive and grow your business online is a lot more than you may think and an awful lot more than was needed say 5 years ago. Another way to think about this is to as yourself the question “why should your website attract lots and lots of traffic over and above the hundreds or even thousands of competitor websites out there?” These people don’t know you after all, so what makes you special? Why should Google rank your website above eeryone else’s?


We aren’t a graphic design agency that’s had to change so that we focus on Digital Marketing, we also aren’t a Web Design company that has added additional services over time. We are and have always been about generating new leads and keeping existing customers engaged for our clients. We started in 2007 in this vain and as our business has grown, so has our ability to really help our clients thrive.


Because of our ethos, it doesn’t really matter what industry our client operates within. We have a broad range of clients that we work with, from engineering to agriculture through to fashion. The principles are similar even if the products or services are completely different. In fact, by working with a wide range of businesses it keeps our days exciting and interesting and our team fully engaged.


I hope this little snippet has been interesting, if you are looking to work with a Digital Agency that really does work with you to help you achieve your business goals, or have additional questions then please do give us a call today on 01279 647003