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A beginner’s guide to using Social Media for your business

Google has publicly stated on several occasions that mentions, likes and shares on social media DO NOT affect your ranking in search results. But despite this, companies all over the world continue to build their social presence. Why?

The main reason has to do with engagement. Social media platforms are valuable in their own right. They give companies opportunities to connect with customers in ways that they never could before. It’s possible to market directly to individual users and have one-on-one brand-building conversations. It’s a remarkable opportunity.

For businesses, especially those starting, learning how to use social media effectively can be a challenge. Not only do you have to create content, but you also have to understand the technicalities of deploying it. You also have to have a firm grip on how and when to use paid advertising. Social platforms like Facebook and Instagram are often no more straightforward to understand than AdWords or Bing’s advertising software.

Why Use Social Media

There are all kinds of reasons to use social media.

  • Attract a wide range of clients
  • Offer your services to new markets
  • Make links with prospects who may be friends of your friends
  • Find like-minded professionals and people who may want to work for your enterprise
  • Diversify your marketing strategy, so you’re not so reliant on a single channel
  • Recycle old content for buzz on social media
  • Increase traffic to your blog and website with links on your social profiles and posts
  • Connect with customers on a deeper, more personal level

How To Use Social Media

The reasons for using media are compelling, but doing it can be a challenge.

Here are some of the steps you should take to use it effectively.

Step 1: Choose Your Social Platforms

Not all platforms are the same. Some will serve your business better than others. Your job is to figure out which will benefit you and which will leave you wanting. Snapchat is excellent if you’re targeting millennials. Facebook is ideal if you wish to appeal to a broader audience.

Step 2: Get To Know Your Audience

Advertising on social media platforms, like on search engines, is costly. You’re bidding against other sellers for space on user feeds. That space comes at a premium. You want to know, therefore, who you need to target and who will buy from you. If you don’t, then you’ll bleed money and have a poor ROI.

Step 3: Build Relationships

As a small business, you often have the luxury of building one-on-one relationships with your connections on social media. By creating direct relationships with customers, you can generate far more loyalty than the big brands.

Step 4: Share Compelling Content

Where possible, share compelling content. People are much more likely to engage with videos, GIFs, images and infographics than they are a wall of text. Indulge their senses with rich media.

When To Call A Social Media Marketing Expert

If you’ve not been getting anywhere with your social media marketing, then it’s time to call the experts. With professional help, you can quickly gain followers, generate interesting content, and get more traffic from social through to your landing pages.