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TU Marketing


Can a commercial approach to marketing beat good design?

When it comes to marketing, it’s easy to picture the snazzy, creative solutions that can certainly catch the eye and engage the imagination. However, it’s a mistake to imagine that focusing solely on what looks pretty is enough to constitute an effective marketing strategy.

At TU Marketing, we focus on a mix of good design and a commercial approach that does more than dazzle, but actually leads your audience closer to the purchases and subscriptions that actually makes you a return on your investment.

Is your website converting?

A gorgeous website can most certainly leave an impression on its visitors. It can engage them, intrigue them, and even delight them. However, an appreciation of the aesthetics doesn’t always lead to the point of conversion.

With our web design process, we focus on creating websites that prompt visitors to click deeper and get closer to making the purchases that actually make you money. Instead of focusing solely on making the website look pretty, we follow the rules of good user interface and experience. Content that gives the information they need, clean navigation that makes it easy for them to find what they want to, and engaging calls to action are all more likely to get them to buy a product than good branding alone.

Engagement and follow-up

Great looking advertisements can certainly catch the viewer’s interest, but how effective are they? They can help you generate one time sales, but it costs a lot less to win a repeat customer than to advertise to a brand new one.
We offer help with paid campaigns that make use of good design to hook your audience. However, we also balance that with social media marketing, search engine optimisation and content marketing. The ongoing engagement and increasing visibility of your brand builds trust and loyalty over time, meaning you get a greater lifetime value from each customer, rather than a “one and done” deal.

How do we know that it works?

Given that we at TU Marketing prefer our approach to commercial marketing than relying on good design alone, it would be easy to simply label us as biased. That’s undoubtedly true in part, but we bring the proof to support our bias, as well.
In-depth website review, analytics for SEO and social media, and data collection on every marketing method we employ ensures that we find and can show the success of our commercial marketing methods.

If something doesn’t work, we will quickly see why and amend it until we find the strategy that does. When something does work, we take it and utilize it across the board to offer the best return on investment possible.

Try the commercial marketing approach with TU Marketing

If you’ve had a website redesign or launched a marketing campaign that’s pretty, but not performing, TU Marketing is here to help. We take good design and add real commercial sense to it, creating marketing campaigns that actually work. Don’t hesitate to call us on 01279 647003 for a free consultation.