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TU Marketing

digital marketing mission

Why I’m on a Mission to Clean up the Digital Marketing World

Yet again a business came to us because they weren’t getting results with their current Digital Marketing Agency. When we looked into why, all we saw was, well nothing!  It appears that this so called SEO company had been doing diddly squat for this business and I have no doubt that this lack of work had been taking place for some time.

Now, to me this is worse than the scammy spammy emails that appear in my junk folder every day. This is a company that has a long term relationship with the business in question, these are people that have had countless conversations and meetings with the business that came to us for help, one who had spent tens of thousands of pounds over the years.

So how do these Digital Marketing Agencies get away with it?

Lack of Digital Marketing Education

It makes me so angry to think that these types of businesses exist, yet some of them are well know Agencies that charge thousands every month. Because of their reputation, they seem to get away with doing very little.

Now, I’m not saying that every business needs to become an expert in SEO or PPC, but my passion right now, is to at least educate as many businesses as possible to increase their understanding of Digital Marketing and what is involved.

So, for me, if I can help as many businesses as possible to understand a little more about digital marketing, then I hope that can at least identify when there are issues and what questions to ask.

We would be more than happy for any prospect to talk to any of our existing clients to get a first hand account of our expertise, how we work and the results that we deliver. In fact I would be delighted to make those introductions.

You should ensure that any Digital Marketing Agency you talk to would too, they should be proud to show examples of their work and showcase their expertise by explaining how different elements work. Anyone that says a lot of words or tries to confuse you with jargon probably doesn’t really know what they are talking about.

This is one of the reasons I have set up a Facebook group with a view to creating a community of people to discuss all things Digital Marketing. Within that group I will be holding lives and workshops to take people through some of the different elements of a successful Digital Marketing Strategy.

More than that, it gives you the opportunity to get direct access and ask specific questions related to your business,

If you want to join – here is the link I would absolutely love to see you in there.

Free Digital Marketing Audits and More

our digital marketing values

Anyhow, that’s probably enough of a rant for now. But I would invite anyone that is having doubts about the efforts of their current Digital Marketing Agency to get in touch. I will be more than happy to run a free audit report for you, giving you the information to go back with and question the work that is being done.

This is thankfully the minority (I hope) and most Digital Marketing Agencies are trying their best to get results for their clients in an ever increasing competitive market. So I am not trying to say that we are the only reputable firm out there, we aren’t and I know there are plenty of good ones. Some of which will be a better fit for you than we are.

I don’t really believe in competition, there is enough work out there for any good Digital Marketing Agency and so my only motivation is to help you. I want you to understand a little more about what you should be seeing in your analytics and to feel confident that your Digital Marketing Agency is doing the best they can for you and your business.

I also have a weekly email that I send out and so if you want to be added to the list, you’ll get lots of tips and information about the things you can do to help improve your website’s performance. Simply email [email protected] and type “list” in the comments.