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Hertfordshire Countryside

Business Networking in Hertfordshire: Tips and Strategies

Hertfordshire is a county located in the East of England, and it has a thriving business community with a wide range of industries and sectors. Business networking is an essential aspect of the business environment in Hertfordshire, and there are many opportunities available for entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals to connect, collaborate and grow their businesses.

Building your business network doesn’t happen by accident though, it takes time and a concerted effort to meet those likeminded business people. Once of the most popular way to meet local businesses is by attending specific networking groups or attending networking lunches. There are lots of local groups in Hertfordshire many of which are membership organisations such as BNI or WIBN.

You can usually attend as a guest before deciding if you want to become a member or a business networking group. Sometimes they only allow one representative from each type of business to join and will usually meet weekly.

There are also organisations that have one off or ad hoc networking events, these can be for a specific purpose or for certain industries.

Being found in Hertfordshire is about balancing your online and offline presence. If people have met you in person and also find your business when searching in Google, then this increase in visibility can ultimately lead to more sales.

Some Popular Ways to Network in the Hertfordshire Business Community

canal in Hertfordshire

One of the most popular organisations for businesses in Hertfordshire is the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce. This provides a range of services to support businesses across the county. The chamber offers networking events, training programs, business advice and support, and lobbying activities to promote the interests of its members. You can find out more about the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce here.

Another popular group in Hertfordshire is the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), which is a national organisation that supports small businesses across the UK. The FSB has a local branch in Hertfordshire that provides networking opportunities, training programs, and business advice to its members. You can find out more about the FSB here.

In addition to these county wide networking groups, you will usually find groups in your closest town or city. There are many informal business networking events and groups in Hertfordshire. These include industry-specific meetups, business breakfast clubs, and online networking groups. Many businesses also use social media platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with other professionals in their industry and build relationships. Many business centres hold these kinds of meetings too so a quick google for your closest Hertfordshire town / city is the best way to find these.

Networking in Hertfordshire is not just about building relationships with other businesses, but also with local government, educational institutions, and community organisations. The Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is a public-private partnership that brings together businesses, local authorities, and other stakeholders to support economic growth in the county. The LEP provides funding and support for businesses, infrastructure projects, and skills training programs.

Tips for Effective Networking in Hertfordshire

Going to a meeting or event where you don’t know anyone can be daunting, even for the most confident among us. But often, building those all important connections with your local business community forms part of your business growth strategy. So here are some tips for being fully prepared:

Have a clear goal: Know what you want to achieve from attending a networking event or meeting. Set specific goals such as making five new contacts or meeting a particular person.

Be prepared: Before attending a networking event, research the attendees, prepare your pitch, and have your business cards ready.

Listen actively: Show genuine interest in what other people have to say. Ask questions and listen carefully to their responses.

Be memorable: Stand out from the crowd by sharing a unique story or experience. Make sure people remember you by following up with a personal note or email after the event.

Give first, receive later: Offer to help others before asking for their assistance. Providing value to others is a great way to build trust and credibility.

Follow up promptly: Don’t wait too long to follow up with the people you meet. Send a thank-you note, invite them for coffee, or schedule a call to continue the conversation.

Be consistent: Attend networking events regularly and maintain your relationships by staying in touch with your contacts.

Be authentic: Be yourself and don’t try to be someone you’re not. Authenticity is key to building long-lasting relationships.

Be respectful: Respect other people’s time and privacy. Don’t be pushy or overly aggressive in your networking approach.

business networking groups

Focus on quality, not quantity: It’s better to make a few meaningful connections than to collect a pile of business cards. Invest your time and energy into building strong relationships with people who can help you achieve your goals.

How to Follow up with your new Business Network

Following up with new connections is a critical part of effective business networking. There are several ways to follow up with new contacts, but the key is to be genuine, authentic, and respectful. Building strong relationships takes time and effort, but it can pay off in the long run.

One way to follow up with new connections is to send a personalised email within 24-48 hours after the event. Thank the person for their time and reiterate the points discussed during your conversation. This will demonstrate your interest in their business and show that you value their time.

Another way to stay in touch is to connect on LinkedIn. Send a connection request to your new contact, along with a personalised message. This will allow you to stay connected and learn more about their professional background and interests. You can also share relevant articles, blog posts, or other useful information with your new connection via LinkedIn.

You can also invite your new connection for a one-on-one meeting over coffee or lunch, there are loads of options in Hertfordshire for meeting places. This is a great way to discuss potential business opportunities or collaborations in more detail. It also provides an opportunity to get to know each other better and build a more personal relationship.

Attending future networking events together is another excellent way to stay in touch and continue building your relationship. If you hear about an upcoming Hertfordshire event that might be of interest to your new contact, invite them to attend it with you.

This is an excellent way to explore potential business opportunities and continue building your relationship.

Lastly, it’s essential to keep in touch and stay updated on each other’s professional activities. Remember, building strong relationships takes time and effort, but it can pay off in the long run. By following up consistently and staying in touch, you can build strong, lasting relationships that can benefit your business in many ways.

Overall, networking is an essential part of the business environment in Hertfordshire, and there are many opportunities available for entrepreneurs and business owners to connect, collaborate and help each other to grow their businesses.

Whether it’s through formal networking groups or informal events and groups, building relationships with other businesses, organisations, and stakeholders is critical to success in Hertfordshire’s dynamic and competitive business environment.