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Digital Marketing

When it comes to marketing, it’s easy to picture the snazzy, creative solutions that can certainly catch the eye and engage the imagination. However, it’s a mistake to imagine that focusing solely on what looks pretty is enough to constitute an effective marketing strategy.

At TU Marketing, we focus on a mix of good design and a commercial approach that does more than dazzle, but actually leads your audience closer to the purchases and subscriptions that actually makes you a return on your investment.

When you are marketing your business, you should always be looking for fresh ways to connect with customers and attract the interest of clients. Social media provides a wide range of options on how to do this including Instagram Stories.

What Are Instagram Stories

This is a feature available on the social media network Instagram. With the story feature, you will be able to post images or video content in a slide-show style format. While different from posting in a typical way, it is possible to modify the stories with the same features as the app. It’s quite similar to the story feature on Snapchat.

Google has publicly stated on several occasions that mentions, likes and shares on social media DO NOT affect your ranking in search results. But despite this, companies all over the world continue to build their social presence. Why?

The main reason has to do with engagement. Social media platforms are valuable in their own right. They give companies opportunities to connect with customers in ways that they never could before. It’s possible to market directly to individual users and have one-on-one brand-building conversations. It’s a remarkable opportunity.

Whether you’re the owner of a business or have been put in charge of building the website, it’s imperative that you unlock its full potential. Spending money in an effective manner should be top of the agenda.

Here are 12 investments that will prove to pay dividends for the website and your overall strategy.

1. Web Design

Even if you are planning to use WordPress, having a web designer create the template and framework of your site will help your site create a big impact while managing the CMS is easier too.