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Digital Marketing

Over the years there have been many instant messaging and video calling software out there that has the same promise of speaking to our friends or co workers with ease over sound or video calling, or by even using the built in chat client. The only thing about all previous applications that do this, is that they lack the professional aspect of talking to clients or co workers. This was until Google released their Google Hangouts service.

This is the time of year when we are all highly motivated, we've just spent the best part of two weeks partying, eating lots of chocolate and lounging around in our onesies. By the time January comes around most people are ready to attack it with a renewed sense of vigour, new year, new you! It's a time of goal setting and putting plans into action, tackling all those things you said you were going to do "after Christmas". But how many of us can really keep it up? Going to the gym 4 days a week, getting up early to work on our journals, spending an hour a day "on" our businesses.

Online marketing activities need to form part of a fully integrated plan. There is no point having one strategy for your traditional marketing streams and another when it comes to the web. All areas of marketing need to come together to form one overall strategy.

This can seem like a massive task at first, many companies have a fragmented approach when it comes to marketing and it can seem daunting to try and bring everything together. But by focusing on one thing at a time, it is achievable and once your house is in order your marketing activity will have greater impact.