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Digital Marketing

Here are ten compelling reasons why you should work with a digital marketing company.

  1. Consumers are spending more and more time online. If you’re planning on setting up a brick and mortar business and operating on a solely face-to-face basis, you could be in trouble. Many small businesses generate most of their profit online, so you really do need to delve into the digital age.
  2. Having a good online presence expands your reach. When you operate online, anyone with an internet connection can access your website. This means you can communicate with people anywhere in the world.
  3. They’ll have good inside knowledge of SEO. If you want to attract as many people to your site as possible, you’re going to have to rank highly in search engine results. To achieve this, you’ll need to implement SEO (or “search engine optimisation”) into your website. Any Digital marketing company you work with should have plenty of expertise in this field.

Many businesses nowadays use SEO, because it’s one of the things that has the potential to bring you the attention you so much seek. At the same time, SEO is continuously changing, and many businesses, especially newer ones, can’t keep up. So, they’re overwhelmed by all the new things.

Businessmen lose themselves when it comes to all the newer details about SEO and seem to forget the basics. When you need to optimize your site for the search engines, the basics are always some of the most important and overlooked aspects.

Since the rise of the infamous Kardashian clan, nearly every member of this royal family-esque establishment has branched out to expand their horizons into fields such as makeup, beauty, and fashion. However, none have arguably done so as quickly as Kylie Jenner, half-sister to the likes of Kim and Kortney Kardashian.

The Independent have defined the title of “self-made” billionaire as someone who has succeeded in life unaided, with Forbes magazine bestowing this title upon 21 year-old Jenner. But just how accurate is this?

As soon as you’ve created or came up with an idea for your business, you’ll obviously start looking for the mainstream apps that can help you develop it. Of course, Instagram is one of those apps.

Without any doubt, Instagram has one of the biggest reaches throughout the social media apps and can really provide your business with some much-needed help. However, you must remember that you can’t just advertise your business like a TV commercial, for example, would do.

Podcasting has become incredibly popular over recent years. A podcast is a set of digital audio files which users can either subscribe to or just listen to or download as and when they want to and businesses are now starting to use podcast for a variety of different reasons. Here are some reasons why podcasts are the new video.

Your quality score is assigned by Google against your Pay Per Click campaign in Google Adwords. It’s a good marker for understanding how well your campaign could potentially perform. Performance from a PPC point of view encompasses the following:

  • Getting the right traffic to visit the right pages on your website
  • Increasing the overall number of visitors
  • Getting a healthy click through rate
  • You adverts appearing in a good position throughout the day

One of the ways to achieve this is through improving your quality score. It essentially means you can pay a lower click cost for a better positioned advert, I mean who wouldn’t want that?

There have been some high profile news stories recently about hacking, such as the BA data breach this year. But why does hacking seems to be cropping up more and more often in the news and what does it mean for the future?

Hacking used to mostly consist of attention seeking wizkids playing pranks or trying to make a statement. Nowadays, however, hackers are determined criminals intent on getting information that they can exploit for huge financial gain. Hacking has become a serious profession.

Mobile First

Mobile first is a switch in the way that Google ranks websites. With over 50% of people now using a mobile device to access the internet rather than a desktop the emphasis of what’s important has changed.

It basically means that websites will now be ranked firstly on their mobile performance. If you have a responsive or mobile friendly website then this shouldn’t have much of an impact on your online results. But if you don’t have a website that can be easily viewed, navigated and understood on a mobile device then you might find your rankings dropping on both mobile devices and desktops.

I don't often write about how fabulous we are, it feels incredibly self-indulgent for a start. But we do a really good job for our clients. One of the reasons I know this is because they stay with us year after year, as their business changes and develops we are able to change and develop with them.

What makes us different?

We are a small team, but an incredibly knowledgeable one. We have a mix of expertise from design and development through to the more technical aspects, as well as high level business experience. You see I and my partner both come from commercial backgrounds, so we understand that in order for this relationship to thrive, you want to see much more than a pretty website that 'pops'. At the end of the day you need to gain customers and keep them happy otherwise you might as well give up now and go home. That's what we focus on, ensuring you and your business actually get results.

If you’ve been hearing talk of AMP and been wondering what it is and whether you need an AMP version of your website, here’s the lowdown.

What is AMP?

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages and is a project designed to improve the performance of web content and advertisements. By using stripped down code known as AMP HTML, an open-source website publishing technology, it speeds up delivery, allowing static pages to load much faster than standard HTML.