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Digital Marketing

The web industry is fast paced and ever changing. What was a great website last year is already out of date. Websites need constant attention, not only the meta data and URL’s but far superior in the list of priority is ‘content’.

Web content may include: text, images, sounds, videos and animations. Web content isn’t just about creating the prettiest page or most interesting website, it’s about creating a ‘valuable’ user experience.

The majority of people will agree that digital has changed their life (for good or bad). Life is certainly more convenient from online shopping/banking/to keeping in touch with friends and family.

Digital marketing activities are set to change in the future with emphasis being added to "value". I have complied a Top 10 Digital Marketing facts.

Digital Marketing is growing

Every business needs to market their selves/products/services. Traditional marketing is still very popular with online marketing growing in popularity. Mobile marketing is the fastest growing digital channel which is predicted to rise 12-15% in the coming year. Digital marketing focuses on engaging, it doesn’t interrupt like traditional marketing methods. Digital marketing’s emphasis is on the end user and making their experience a good one, hopefully meaning use of your service or sale of your product. Digital marketing growth rates are hard to predict with various experts stating digital marketing is likely to rise at least 26% in 2017. It was expected in 2016 that the internet will overtake TV to become the largest medium for advertising.

Big Data

Big data is a phrase used to describe collating and storing volumes of business related data. ‘Big data’ analysis has been around for years.

Whilst the word is relatively new. It’s simply identifying business moves, ability to operate, efficiency of business, client/customer satisfaction, habits within businesses, hidden patterns and profits. For the majority of small and medium sized businesses this is usually undertook by the Managing Director. Whilst the word ‘Big Data’ is aimed at larger organisations there are foundations any small to medium sized business can use.

Say the words “social posting” and for some business people you can see the panic in their eyes or hear their voices start to quiver! To them these are taboo words that they just want to avoid or pass on to someone else to do!

Yes I guess the truth is that with anything new it is always frightening to start with, but the good news about social media and social postings is that you will overcome your fear with just a little bit of practice.  The one thing to remember in all this is to not take it personally if no one likes or comments on your blogs, doesn’t re-tweet your tweets or love your Instagram photos.  It is a busy world and with around 1.3 billion people registered on twitter alone it is no wonder your tweets disappear as soon as they are posted. But the good news is that every time you make some noise through social media you are promoting yourself and the results will pay off.

A digital landscape is a collective name for websites, email, social networks, mobile devices (tablets, iphones, smartphones), videos (YouTube), etc. These tools help businesses sell their products or services.

In the world of business there is a smarter and more nimble competitor just around the corner with a better use and understanding of technology about to steal your market. Understanding your entire digital landscape can ensure you are not only keeping and eye on the competitoin, but that you are also keeping your digital assets up to date.  

We are living in a digital era, almost everything can be done online (from shopping to banking, to work and socialising). More and more of our lives depend on digital services.

It’s actually quite amazing how many businesses completely miss the whole concept of social, well, being social. You wouldn’t go to your local pub, shout out about how great you are, ask people to buy your product and then leave. That idea is like something from a sketch show, so why oh why do we think we can do exactly that on social platforms?

Google announced RankBrain back in October 2015, it’s part of the Hummingbird algorithm and uses artificial intelligence to help decipher search queries, such as those that are vague, never been searched for before or a little ambiguous.

Google have stated that RankBrain is the third-highest ranking signal and so it’s something that shouldn’t be ignored.

This improvement in search results has been getting SEO’s very excited since the announcement last year as it should in theory help reduce the amount of spam results and instead provide the user with valuable web pages related to their query.

In this blog we look at why it's still important to make time to talk to your customers!

In this Digital age where most things can be tracked and we can learn an enormous amount about our customers through their online behaviour, it can be really easy to rely on likes, shares, website visits and form submissions to measure success. These things are all important, i'm not trying to say they aren't. But in the mix of massive amounts of data it's really easy to get lost and forget the most important thing - people!

Cybersecurity -  a critically important aspect for any business using the internet or operating online.

Computer security, cybersecurity or IT security are various names given to the protection of hardware, software and any information stored on them from threat or damage. 

Cybersecurity is no longer just about protecting hardware and software, it’s now the protection of ourselves, our business reputation and customers in the digital environment. We all have a responsibility to protect services from being maliciously disrupted or misused, through vigilance, security measures and reporting events when they arise. 

UK businesses need to do more now to protect themselves for the future. Financial losses can be insured and maybe recovered but what about reputational damage? This is far more serious for businesses

It is predicted further high-profile attacks will take place with social media being used to inflict economic and reputational damage to companies.

Here at TU Marketing we thought we’d share some assistance and guidance in helping you put in place precautions which could benefit your organisation or business in having the right strategies in place..