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Keyword Research

Keyword research is so important, I can't stress enough how much. Any kind of campaign online must never be attempted until you have a thorough understand of the things that people are actually physically typing into the search engines. All too often companies assume they know what people are looking for, but in reality it can be completely different. Each key phrase is its own individual market, so in order to understand which ones to target you need to know the volume of searches for each term, how competitive they are and whether you are able to compete against other websites.

Sounds a bit melodramatic but Keyword Research is where it all starts out. If you are looking at lead generation and increasing traffic to your website then keyword research is a must. Before you do anything else you need to understand what people are physically typing into the search engines, you need to understand any trends and look for gaps in the market. You need to look at each individual keyword as a market in its own right remember as people often use different words to search for the same thing.